Trifecta Lens Score

The Trifecta Lens Score (blue line) is shown at top. Price action (^NYA) is denoted via the black line. At center, the three main components that comprise the TL score are displayed. This view is presented to indicate which component(s) are bullish/bearish; convergence/divergence of trends can also be derived. At bottom, SQN data for ^NYA is also displayed. Please allow the TL figure a few seconds to load.

Interpretation Guide:

For a complete market picture, it is reccomended to closely examine all sections of the interactive plot. This plot is best examined using a laptop/desktop computer, however analysis can still be performed utilzing mobile devices.
- Zooming and annotations are enabled by default. To disable zoom, please click the magnifying glass icon at the top right of the plot.
- To disable annotations, please click the comment icon also located at the top right.
- To reset the plot back to its default state, please click the dual-arrow icon, also found at the top right of the plot.

Bokeh Plot

Note: TL & SQN indicators update overnight.